Marbleizing Part 2 "The Reel"

Having been challanged to do a reel, I found a canidate that volunteered. I am using an old Martin plastic reel for this experiment. My first step was to completely dis-assemble every part I could (internaly and externaly) and degrease everything. I also made a sketch of what went where so I’d have a guide for re-assmbly when finished. I this case it’s a simple click and pawl drag reel , so it wasn’t too difficult.

Next having figured out what colors I wanted I prepared everything as I mentioned before in my Part1 post. Now…the marbleizing effect was more difficult than doing a section of blank , because Getting the swirl effect had to be done by hand , not having the ability to place these parts on a rod turner. So I had to give the epoxy more curing time and then work fast brushing and toothpicking my way through the process. Below you will see the steps up to the final drying and re-assembly. If all goes as expected and I am able to assemble the reel without any tolerance problems all will be a sucess. I will report either way and hopefully show the completed reel with its new skin…Ed

Fantastic, you are way ahead of the curve… :slight_smile:

Success! Another imagineering feat completed.

Assembly went well and below is the finished marbleized reel.

As mentioned before the colors and patterns are endless…Ed

Nicely done, Ed. You sure were Abel to get that right.


Awesome Job pal Did you happen to weigh the reel before and after??

Honestly Skip I didnt weigh it before and after, but I’d venture to say if it picked up a 1/2 an oz. it would be a lot, based on the epoxy used. It didn’t take much to cover the reel as it was a very thin coating which spread a long ways.

Thanks I have been kicking the idea around for a while I have an Okuma reel that is just sitting aroung… I’m getting ready to build a Pittsburgh Steeler themed rod and It might just get a matching reel

Skip…I love folks that have imagination. I think your idea is a great one (altghough I’m an Eagles fan…lol) Just an idea , I’m sure you know the steelers logo and one thought came to mind about doing the reel. You could before hand trace or draw that logo on the reel using a white china marker if the reel is a dark color. Coat the reel around that design and let it dry, then go back again with the appropiate colors and fill in your design. This is only one thought…I’m sure you’ll come up with some of your own…good luck and have fun!!! best regards…Ed

I have a friend that does vinyl decals I am going to have him make me some templates You got the juices flowing thats for sure What pigments did you use Taps or Testors???

Skip…I used Testors. My understanding is that Taps are dyes, but I could be mistaken.

PS…I also found out that Testors has dull coat paints in the little bottoles, which would be great to use if you dont want a gloss coat or if you were to choose a camo pattern.

Nobody I’ve read about is using or has tried Automotive sign painters paint, it is oil base I know because I used to do pin striping with it and comes in a zillion colors. For now I know Testors works and it seems most are using it probably more to do with easy access than anything else and a variety of colors. Also you might want to pick up some epoxy brush cleaner, great for cleaning up the brushes and most Rod building suppliers carry it. I also had another thought too…Airbrushing…I have an airbrush , but never learned how to master it, mostly because I never spent much time trying…got me thinking about it though…lol …lastly , take a look at some of the colored reels some companies are offering. Everyone belts you good in the pocketbook just for a color. Granted they are anodized, but when was the last time anybody had epoxy chip off their wraps? Best part about this process is you get to choose your own color or color mix at a fraction of the cost,
and if you do need to touch it up…it’s a snap!..Ed