caught this little sweetie last night… this is my biggest night time bow!!!
the net is 21inches in lenght, and 8 1/2inches in width…
caught this little sweetie last night… this is my biggest night time bow!!!
the net is 21inches in lenght, and 8 1/2inches in width…
NICE fish. 8) what fly were you using?
What a 'Bow! I’m assuming the only way you could use the net was to whack the fish 'cause there’s no way that fish could fit inside.
Good heavens, Leonard!!! What do they feed those guys down there?!? <it’s really just trick photography, right?> That guy is just huge!!!
My grandma what a gene pool you have there!
Rusty <><
Nice bow! Man, if that is how big your folks grow rainbows I do not want to see one of your browns. It will scare me to death!
Did you sneek down to the White?? Looks like some of the fishies that i have seen from members of NAFF.
That is one fat fish! Great condition. Must have put up a great fight.
seriously Leonard, that fish is only 23" or so? I thought you had big bow’s down there too? :?
of course, it is about the same dimensions long as it is around. :lol:
You’re gonna need a bigger net!
hey Leonard - VERY nice fish!
PLEASE don’t tell me that you caught it on a scud 'cause i’ll cry!
I caught it on a streamer…
this is kinda what we figured out…
this is just an estament…
I figured the fish is a good 23inches
one side of the fish is bigger then the net… so I did it 8.5 + 8.5 =17
then I add another 2 inches for the width of the back (and belly)
so that give the girth of 19…
the formula I have been told : L x W x L (divided by) 800= 12.56… break that down… you have a fish of…
13 lbs 15 oz… :lol: :shock: :lol:
That certainly qualifies as a good fish. Well done! Makes me glad Steelhead fishing is just around the corner. Thanks for sharing and posting thi picture.
Dang Leonard!!!
Another nice one!! Well done!
If any of you guys are going to SE Missouri, look Leonard up.
He fishes on Lake Taneycomo at night for the big ones.
I was in Branson last week taking some classes for the electric power industry.
I hooked up with Leonard and we tied some flies, talked about fishing, and ate like kings.
After my classes were done on thursday, we went out fishing that evening.
They were generating, so there was a bit of water, but Leonard knew some places that you could still wade a bit.
We caught fish for a while in one spot and later moved to a ‘new’ spot. Leonard was showing me where and how to fish the running water and hooked a big fish on the first cast to the spot. It was a healthy, fat brown.
This is about the best pic of the few that I took. It was very cool that night with a lot of fog. The water temp was about 46 deg.
Leonard’s got more pics on his site
Thanks for fishing with me Leonard…and thanks for the flies. I had a hoot!!
I had a blast…
hope to do it again soon…
nice rainbow Leonard, definatly a fine fish but I have to be a buzz kill and say its hard to belive it to be 13lbs. Check out this chart
it would have to put on 10 inches of length to be that weight. But then again the picture is dark and hard to tell but it is a fat fish for sure. I will show you a picture of a silver salmon that is 8 lbs not sure of the lenght or width but i would say atleast 25 inches long and 17 around
the post is talking about steelhead…
here is the calculator : … OLFISHCALC
I did mess up…
I thought it was LxWxL (divide by) 800…
that was the scale I used…
so by the scale from Bass pro its 10.38… so if you broke down the .38
you still have 2 1/4lbs
so it 12 1/4lbs by that scale…