little moaning and groaning

Haven’t been on for awhile due to lots of work around the house. My grandson is spending most of the summer with us so we are a little busy with him. Trying to make sure the oldest, who by the way is down to about 460 and doing well, has the things he needs to make this surgery work for him. Making runs up to Salmon Idaho to help out the youngest boy. Been getting ready for our first camping trip of the year. Replaced the master cylinder on the brakes on the moterhome. Then finally got a rack built to hold the generator. People calling wanting a cuystom fly or spinning rod built. Yea I wanted the business just getting swamped. Word of mouth is a wonderful thing. If I ever get a site built on the internet I will post the addy and you all can laugh at my work.

Biggest gripe is, and I know better, I am welding the rack for the generator and my helmet breaks. Now I have only a 1/2 inch left on this particular weld so I say the heck with it and weld away no helmet. Yep you got it flash burn to the eyes. Now i get a new set of goggles cause no one makes a new head piece for the helmet I have cause I got it at harbor frieght. The goggles are the flip kind and I weld with AC not DC so no problem except I didn’t flip the goggles down. Yep you got it more flash burn. Now I have the sunglasses on and the goggles no more flash burn, but now I have to wear the sunglass in any kind of light at all. Oh did I forget to mention I was welding in my shorts and flip flops. Thats right burns on my feet and legs. Didn’t wear my gloves burned hands as well. I did this to myself and I know better but hey I am getting old and forgot LOL

Last but not least I saw the brand new Harley Davidsons. Now I am completely baffled. Has anyone seen these things? I have no idea what these things are but they are not harleys. Kind of makes me want to throw up. Oh well I guess if you buy one of those they may just throw in a official harley jacket, shirt, pants, boots and even underwear, bandana’s and even official harley sunglass’s. That way you can be really harley dvidson cool. Oh well guess I will hear no evil, see no evil, or ride no evo.
Thanks for letting me rant on folks

Man I am so glad that Robert is doing well , I am still keeping him in my prayers.

I remember the problems you had the last two months and have to laugh at the trivial stuff bugging you now. :stuck_out_tongue:

Way back when I motocrossed we had a saying; If you have a ten dollar head wear a ten dollar helmut.
The same holds true of your welding goggles. If blindness appeals to you stare at the flame.

I just bet you cook bacon in the nude too.

As for the Harleys, the classics will always be with us Who cares about the new ones.

First & foremost, HOORAY for Robert!..If my memory serves, he has lost (both pre-surgery & post-surgery) about 150 pounds in the last year or so. THAT is pretty impressive, & you all remain in our prayers.

Secondly…PROTECT those eyes! Is the flash burn a temporary thing, or have you done permanent damage?

I agree with Gnu Bee on the Harleys.

Now that the sunglass are off I can see better. flash burn is a temorary thing. If you get enough of it over the years you wil damage your eyesight. I was acting like a idiot wasn’t I. All the things I have been through up to this point and the little things got me.LOL

Doesn’t everyone?:confused:

only once!

Now, frying eggs, on the other hand…


I never barbecue sausages in the nude any more.

Keep hanging in there Harley, slow down a little first and think, we don’t want you to hurt yourself.

I weld for a living and the little flashes add up over the years—make sure you wear a helmet with at least a # 10 shade for light current settings and darker for 100 amps and up. Sunglasses dont work —oxy/acetylene goggles are around a #6.It doesnt make a difference whether its ac or dc—ultraviolet rays burn the cells off your retina in either case.