[b]Kayak Festival of Texas
Welcome, to the First Kayak Festival of Texas.
Saturday June 23,2007
10:00 AM. to 4:00 PM.
The Kayak Festival will be held at Grapevine Lake, at Meadowmere Park. The City of Grapevine will charge a $5.00 per car, to enter Meadowmere Park.
Bring your kayaks, so others may try them. See what kayak, you want to paddle.
What kayak will you buy or try? What paddles, work for you. What works for you?
Mariner Sails will be providing hambugers, hot dogs, drinks and Kayaks to demo. Please bring a side dish. Mariner Sails will provide Kayaks from Hobie Cat, Legacy, and Wilderness System.
Cutter Aquatics and Steve Walls, will provide Kayak classes on paddle techniques, and rolling classes. Hours will be posted, day of the Festival.
We will have classes on, How to pack your kayak, and what to bring on your trip.
Utralight Camping! How to pack!
Please come and enjoy a day of Kayak demos, provided by Mariner Sails.
Directions to Meadowmere Park:
Lawyer’s section[color=#8040FF]
Paddlers on outings announced on the DFW Paddlers group participates at their own risk. You are expected to know and stay within your safety limits, make your own safety assessments before and during paddling. You are responsible for determining the appropriateness of a trip for your skill level and personal situation.
Individuals on outings arranged through DFW Paddlers have no obligation to risk their own safety to rescue you or any other paddler. However, they usually will report the incident to the appropriate authority upon completion of the trip.
Paddlers who invite others to join them paddling through DFW Paddlers are not responsible for your safety and do not assess the appropriateness of a trip for you. Sometimes paddling plans change, too, so that six-mile trip might just become nine miles when you get lost in the dark.
DFW Paddlers is not a club or organization just folks joining each other for some fun on the water.