First, realize that the ‘name’ of a fly pattern makes absolutley zero sense, has no basis in anything but fly tiers imaginations and matters not even a little bit to anyone except a few folks concerned with history.
An adams is a grayish to brownish (no one knows, really, what color it is ‘suposed’ to be-not that it matters…) fly tied in various sizes. It floats. This type of ‘dry fly’ (it’s NOT dry, why can’t we just say that it floats???) has a tail, a body, wings, and hackle. You can use different colors for each of these, and while it’s exactly the ‘same’ fly, since it’s colored differently, they ‘call’ it something else.
Now add in that someone actually thinks that the ‘material’ you use for the different parts, like different types of dubbing, quills, or whatever, for the body changes the ‘pattern’ and entitles THAT small and insignificant variation to have a whole different ‘name’.
If you are going to actually tie flies for yourself, you should disregard all the B.S. about ‘patterns’ and concern yourself with shape, size, and color, and the intended presentation (things like floatation for topwater flies, depth for subsurface, action, etc.). All the rest is just useless information and makes the whole sport of fly fishing seem like ancient golf when they had names for the clubs like ‘niblets’ and ‘wedgies’ and ‘mcray tomahawk slickers’.
Tie the same ‘fly’ in various colors and it’s still the same fly, just a different color. Tail, body, wing, hackle. Pick a color for each and tie them all the same. Choose the ‘materials’ for how they behave on the water, and disregard the rest. The fish won’t care about what material you used, can’t even comprehend that there is a difference between muskrat, rabbit, or even, (gasp!!!) FAKE fur.
Fly tying may, someday, get past it’s archaic past and move into some semblance of the 21st century. Doubt it though. Too many folks like to spout useless trivia to make them seem knowledgeable or important.
Too bad, though. Makes it tough on the new folks that just want to have some fun and catch some fish (which, by the way, is LOADS easier than all the gurus and fly fishing pundits would have you believe).
Sorry for the rant, but this is one of my personal ‘hot’ buttons. This SHOULD be very simple. That it isn’t is a real shame.
Good Luck!