JONEZEE Whereabouts??

Ladyfisher brought up this question a while back and MY opinion was that he was in Oregon visiting his kids. Does anyone know anything??

I have been wondering myself where he is at. Hope he is ok.


JONEZEE!!! It’s OK to come home NOW!!! Michigan has forgot about Oregon and NOW their mad at Notre Dame!
JONEZEE, If you can hear me!, If your camped out in the wilderness, spread out one those RESCUE Markers for the Coast Guard!!! And GET BACK HERE!!! That’s an ORDER!!!
Doug :smiley:

Doug I believe Jonezee’s family has a cabin over near Sisters. They just had a forest fire over there so maybe he is checking things out over there. In any case he needs to get back and let us know he is ok .


I shot him a PM, but no answer :frowning:

I have jonezee’s home address and was able to track down a phone number for him. I will try and give him a call in the next day or two when I get a minute and see if I can get some info on our elusive friend.


Thanks Rocky, keep us posted. Hes got a lot of us worried :frowning:

Hey Jack!,
Did you know Jonezee when you lived up north???

Yes I did. We met at one of the MI Fish-In planning committee meetings at Cabela’s in Dundee. I wonder who is watching his farm.

Just so you guys know I talked to JONEZEE for a few short minutes this evening. At least we know he is alive and kicking. I let him know his friends here were worried about him. He didn’t have any time to talk tonight so he said he would call me when he can or email and explain things to me. If it is something he wants me to pass on to you all I will. If he wants me to stay quiet about what ever is going on I will not say anymore than just enough to let you know he is ok. I hope you will all understand my silence if he asks me to not pass any thing on.


Thanks Rocky!!!



Rocky, Thanks, as you say at least we know hes still kickn around. I can respect the silence. 8)