We’ll the time has come. We’ve been in Wyoming for just over two weeks, Fished every day in some of the most beautiful/bountiful waters in the West. The Snake, Flat Creek, Salt River, Greys,Hoback, Lamar, Slough Creek, Henry’s Fork, The South Fork-Snake etc. Each one of those gave up it’s share of colorful , fiesty denizens of various species. Weather ranged from blizzard in Y’Stone to sweating in Jackson Hole. My wife Luba does NOT fish but there’e plenty to do for here in Jackson. We’ve been coming here for many years and have developed a base of friends who either live here or plan their anual vacations to coincide with ours. My payback to her for fishing from dawn to dusk is to take her to a fine restaurant for dinner each evening and there’s no shortage of those here.
I have, however, suffered a severe punishment while here. I had the BEST day OF MY LIFE EVER fishing here about a week ago. It was on the Snake River near Flagg Ranch near Y’Stone. I caught only twelve fish BUT the smallest was 15" and the largest was 21". All were Brown trout and four of the largest were as if painted by an artist. A beautiful orange with the most colorful Brown Trout spots markings. My punishment: I FORGOT MY CAMERA. I did thank God for providing me with THIS day but I also muttered “stuff” under my breath regarding the camera. To make matters worse, the following day I drove the 60 odd miles back to the spot ,this time WITH camera, and as luck , or NO luck, would dictate, not even a strike. Needless to say I rely on my integrity in the fly fishing and FAOL community to accept my word as to these facts.
Since we drove here, driving back home is also not that painful an experience. I will again pass Flagg Ranch and THAT spot ( with camera) and fish it for a few minutes. I’ll fish the Shoshone River at the Buffalo Bill Reservoir near Cody and a few smaller " secret" streams along the way.
Although we had a great time fishing, dining and sharing friendships, I do wish we could have visited the ID Fish-In and all the fine FAOL ers there. It’s unfortunately a two day excursion just travelling there and back and I may have missed my “BEST” day. Maybe next year.
I hope all was well while we were away and I’m looking forward to again “joining” FAOL
Glad you are having fun. You need not worry about your integrity here. You are the salt of the earth, buddy.
Your description of the day was and is more vivid than any picture.
Glad you had a great time.
Thanks for your Report!!! That country is wonderful and peaceful. You are now officially recharged!
Drive Carefully!
To bad about the camera. The nice picture you painted almost makes up for the lack of pictures.
My camera travels extevsivly, seldom taking any pictures however. I guess I’d rather fish than snap. I usually remember it on the way home when its too late to do anything about it.
Marco consider this…Taking the time to take pictures may have cost you your best fish on your best day.
As for “its over”
Remember this is fishing, and “It aint over till its over”
( Yogi Berra ) :lol:
I wish I had a $1 for every time I left my camera at home or in the truck. Seems like photo opportunities have an uncanny way of presenting themselves when we can do nothing about it. This is when we learn to be at peace with just having experienced those exceptional days. I feel your pain, because part of the fun is in sharing our experiences with others. Your words took care of that…this time!
Painful isn’t it?! Some of us would rather fish than compose photos. My problem is my digital does not fit in my vest pocket. So I’ll be in the market for a waterproof/resistant and small digital before I make it out to Yellowstone next year. While you may not have any evidence, I’ll be you were smiling from ear to ear up until you drove into your driveway. thanks for sharing and you owe an offering to the trout gods… :lol:
Yea, Marco had a great time even though he had to attend a wedding and party that followed, and we did not get together again!! OH well there is always nexy year. Glad you had some great fishing Marco, and we will try it again next year 8) !!
Tomorrow I go to check on hunting camp, and then to Jackson to meet tnriverman on Thursday, haven’t fished the Snake in a lomg time, ought to be good weather, though as anyone knows, the weather in WYOMING is as fickle as, :lol: , a woman. NO PUNS INTENDED!!! :lol: :lol: :o :o :lol: :lol: