iPod question / help?

I have an iPod Nano 4gen. It plays video (at least I’ve downloaded a couple videos from ituens and they play).

I had a bright idea this evening of seeing if I could import a movie from a DVD like I do with music CD’s.

When I put the DVD in my DVD drive, I can play it uisng Windows Media Player so I know the PC recgonizes the DVD, but it dose not show up as a device on iTunes.

Does iTunes just not see DVD’s or am I doing something wrong?


You have to get a program called dvd decrypter and another called videora ipod convertor. We gave my daughter an Ipod touch for Christmas and she wanted to do the same thing. I tested one with those 2 programs and the conversion took about 5 hours… THere has to be a better way, I just don’t know it.


Here’s what I use. Rips them fairly fast too. I put a few movies on my Ipod but quit. Eats the battery up fast.