Insect Seine

:slight_smile: I’ve been carrying a wire handled aquarium net in my vest to seine the water for insects. Its a bit too small and the wire handle can be a nuisance. The other day I was in a paint store and noticed they had paint strainers which were made of fine meshed netting bags with an elasticised opening. I picked up a gallon sized model for a buck and a quarter. When I got it home I discovered that it fit perfectly over the frame of my trout net and besides that it folds up nicely in one of the small pockets of my vest. If you’ve been looking for a net you might want to check this out!

How about a picture? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Thanks for the tip I’ll have to check one out. reminds me of when I was standing in line at the post office and realized they sold cardboard tubes for shipping that was perfect for my rod to be carried in. they are a lot lighter than PVC and work great. Just right for a Redneck flyfisherman. :slight_smile:

I use a leg off of the wife’s old panty hose over my trout net.
Not only does it make a good bug siene but left on, it keeps the net from getting tangled in the brush.
…And it’s free

Thanks for the tip. I had to run right out and find one. A quick stop at the local Sherwin Williams store turned up a 5 gallon size for a couple of bucks that I thought would do the trick.

A quick try out on a local stream verified it worked great so here are a couple of pic’s so you know what to look for if you want to try it yourself.

Thanks. I bet they sell a bunch real soon. :smiley:

What a great idea!..

JC this is what makes FAOL such a good site, Great information from everywhere,Bud

In a reversion to my first childhood, “Neato.”


Great tip!

Thanks for the info!


Sorry buddy, but it aen’t free; It’s a liftime of payment LOL!!!

Have a great afternoon,

I too have tried the pantyhose idea. But in my experience it’s mesh is too tight and much of the water and particles pass around the net rather than though the net.
I bet the stainer’s mesh is bigger than hose. I’ll have to try it.
Thanks for the idea.