I’ve decided to get an inflatable PFD for wading. I’m wondering if I should go with the auto or the manual unit? I’m leaning to the manual because I figure that it’s possible for the autos to go off because I’ve waded a bit deep or its raining hard. I also wouldn’t want the thing to go off just because I’ve taken a bit of a dunking in an otherwise safe situation. Given my complete lack of experience, I don’t know if those concerns are valid.
Also: Has anyone had experience with the basic Cabelas units?
I recently bought an inflatable PFD and chose the manually activated type due to the same concerns that you expressed, But like you I don’t know if the concerns about the vest inflating unnecessarily are unfounded or not. Perhaps some others have some knowledge on the matter.
Have bought a couple of automatics. Initially for the sailboat - get knocked in the head, fall over board…felt the auto feature may make the difference between life and death. Same for on the stream. We have taken them fishing as well. The automatics can be made to be activated manually or automatic. For the difference $ I’d advise the automatics. Offshore type certainly better, bought mine from the “local” BassPro. I think Cabella’s offers similar name brand quality. Never get a second chance to have a safe trip…
BTW-they are relatively light weight, caution to be heeded if you’re wearing a vest. I got camo pattern, figured the high vis colors would be out of place on a stream. My .02
I recently got a Cabelas brand manual to use while on my pontoon kicker in ponds and lakes. First off wearing it is nice.
There wasn’t a lot of price difference between the auto and manual ($10 I think.) For my use though, I could easily see getting wet, but not be in any dire situation. So I got the manual. If you have a better chance of actually getting hurt before going in, the auto might be for you.
If I’m not too late… You can convert an automatic to manual but not sure about the other way around. Actually it is just a water sensitive trigger mechanism. I take out the auto trigger when out on the canoe, especially if drizzle or rain in the forecast. Wish ya the best!