Remember to pack a bathing suit - the hot tub at Three Rivers Lodge feels pretty terrific after a day of scrambling around on the rocks.
I believe Tues is the evening JC picked to do the roasted on the grill oysters. If you’ve missed these at other Fish-Ins you have a treat coming. The oysters are roasted over charcoal fire and open when they are done. So they cook in their own juice. They are served with melted butter with a little liquid smoke in it.
Maybe Denny or REE will post here the evening they’ve selected for the steak fry? We usually make a food run for steaks for ourselves to the next little town. This is a potluck as well,
bring something to share.
If my memory serves me (sometimes yes, sometimes no) the BYOM (bring your own meat) cookout is Friday evening. I do believe Z is getting the charcoal going for us again this year.
If your a fly tier, bring your stuff as the rumpus room will be open for tiers and liars every evening.
Nights can be a bit chilly, so if your gonna sit around the campfire, a jacket is suggested.
I tie a bit and lie a lot so the rumpus room sounds like a done deal for me.
A bit chilly? It gets downright cold without a jacket or heavy coat. We had frost one morning as I recall.
Oysters? I prefer them raw but will eat them cooked if pressed.:rolleyes:
I just got the OK an hour ago from the Doctor to make the trip. When I fell last year I not only broke my arm but apparently I bruised a kidney which has been giving me all sorts of trouble but a sonogram scan this last month has shown that it has finally cleared up . Yahoo!
Yahoo indeed!, I am packing the wading boots for ya now. Oh, I broke down and bought one of those charcoal lighter cans. Nicely made, ‘in Canada’ by the way.
Nobody let Gnu fish with me this year. I don’t want to be responsible for killing him. He probably willed me his buffalo painting business just in case.
VEE and I are out of here on Wednesday morning. Gonna fish the Naches River and stop off at her Mom’s overnite. Will hit Lowell on Thursday, early afternoon. Gotta get in a little scouting before everyone shows up.
Well, I’ll arrive Mon. but will have to leave Friday :?as I have a wedding to attend on Sat. HOWEVER I am looking forward to meeting everyone and just enjoying the time there. Also, since my birthday is on the 20th, maybe a chance to celebrate with someone who’s birthday is close to the same time?
Here is how things might happen this year. Always subject to change of course.
1.Ken & I are to arrive around noonish Sat the 20th.
2.I am bringing the FAOL Banner and will have it displayed on our tent site.
3.REE & VEE are bringing the white boards, one for sign in and one for notices for VEE Ladies program. Am not sure where they will be located.
4.Tue eve ok for JC’s Oyster feed
5. Wed eve, Dan Bob’s photo talk
6. Thur. nite No program planned as of this time, might have something other than Tying & lyin in the Rumpas room every night.
7. Casting accuracy contest after fishing and before the BYOM BBQ. (Conranch is providing the Prize) on Friday evening. I am bringing sodas.
8. Possibly we can get JC to do his casting instruction thing. Always needed and appreciated.
9. Know there will be casting instruction by the Dynamic Duo (JC & LF) all week long. Just ask them.
10. Am not sure if we will have a distance contest, we will if enough want it.
11. There will be a swap/trade/sale table set up in the Rumpas room. Use it!
Of course we will have a lot of fishing, catchin, braggin & socializin.
All of the above is subject to change so as to include as many as we possibly can.
Come one, come all and enjoy the Fish In.
Yes, for those that have asked, we will bring a few feathers for all to drool over.
Wednesday night works great for the macro photography talk Denny.
We’ll likely have to leave Thursday or Friday. For a retired guy, my Dad is sure busy!