Oh boy,
I won’t go into the whole story but I absolutely hate pay pal. I recently sold an item on Ebay (been an occasional Ebay seller and buyer for about 12 years or more). I don’t buy and sell a lot but a couple times a year, something will pop up that I can’t live without or I’ll have something around the house that is collecting dust and I’ll sell it.
100% positive feedback.
I’ve been using Pay Pal for at least 8 years, maybe longer, I don’t really know.
The most recent thing though really got under my skin.
They made some error with my account (sure, I bet it is part of their scam). The item I recently sold the buyer, in good faith, payed to pay pal.
Because of the Eba / Pay Pal error, I’m showing up as a new user. That means they will hold the money sent to me for up to 21 days or until the buyer leaves positive feedback.
Now, I"m supposed to ship my item off, pay for shipping out of my pocket, and HOPE that Pay Pal will some day allow me to access the money sitting in my account.
I’ve been through 3 phone reps and at least 5 emails with them and no go. They “Understand” my frustration, but will do nothing to help me out.
If any of you guys use Pay Pal, watch out for this scam. Take the $200 they’re doing this with me, multiply that by tens of thousands of transactions a day, add the few pennies of interest up and all of a sudden, Pay Pal has a windfall profit and all they had to to was rip off sellers by holding the money for 21 days.
It’s one heck of a scam and they are getting away with it.
I"ll NEVER use Pay Pal again unless the buyer or seller absolutely insists and even then, it will be with great reservation and after exhausting all other options.
This is a profit enhancing scam from Pay Pal and nothing more. Unfortunately, government regulation agencies have so much on their hands with people like Madoff stealing millions a couple hundred dollars from a consumer won’t even warrant someone reading my complaint.
OK< off soap box now.