I was hoping to run up to the Manistee or little Man, or maybe the PM or the Muskegon at the end of this week for a couple of days of fishing. how much rain has that area had and how are the water levels looking? Help from the locals would be appreciated. I know there are all kinds of links to graphs and such, but nothing works as well for me as a local with eyes on the rivers and the rains in the area. Also any reports of fish running would be helpful if there are any.
We have flooding going on now on all the rivers, streams and creek’s in SW Michigan. They don’t expect them to “Crest” until Thursday. I would guess the next week will be a wash.
Pretty much what I figured was the case. Just thought there might be an odd chance of it being wrong. Guess I’ll stay home and work on things around here.
Try Baldwin Bait & Tackle for info-I know they have a website with updated conditions and stream reports for that area.
I just called Gates Au Sable lodge an hour ago and booked a room for the doughgod and me and they said that they got wind but not much rain—The rivers are great and fishable—Most of the rain was south of them.
You guys are killing me. Good luck on the upcoming trip and don’t forget to post a trip report.
If you are going to be there next week, say hello I will be arriving at Gates Sunday noon and will be having fun with the pre-spawning brookies and browns all week.
Remember the question was for Western MI-but good info nonethless!
RoyC—we are going for a long weekend oct 2-5—be sure to post whats going on—thanks, mike
I’m with you, Tim. We can sit around and moan and bellyache. Whining would be good too.
Weather has been great, 40’s in the am and 70’s in the afternoons. The 20 BWO’s are just starting to show, ants are doing good along with the 12 ISO. Best consistent fishing is on streamers off the banks and wood.
The South is full of browns and they are chasing streamers during the day even with bright sun. They are acting more like the brookies than browns.
Water flows are great with clear water everywhere except on the main below where the south joins in. DNR is sitting trees VIA heliocopter as added structure and this is stiring up a lot of mud, when they are working.
Thanks RoyC
Hopefully Joe will see this and tie enough for both of us:D—Where were you fishing on the south branch? We will only be taking 1 car so there wont be any spotting going on down there
3 days on the south and one day on the main. I fished the south from Chase to Conners. The fish were biting real good all through the Mason Track up to about 5:30 each day. The sooner you hit the stream in the AM the better.