hey Betty!

Went poking around the local lake tonight to see if anybody was hungry after the rain. They tore up two furled tail mohair leeches and a bead chain hares ear like I gave ya thursday…

Next trip I’m getting out the 3-weight! Tomorrow night I’m tying up more of both of the above flies, because I’m all but out!


Very kewl!! He’s almost as big as the one I caught Thursday!!:roll::wink:

Who’da ever thought??!!??

Chunky little guy, ain’t he? But the lady’s right, hers was a bit bigger.

Yes it was! I caught about a dozen that size and probably another dozen that were smaller, along with some greenies that thought they were 5-lb bass.

Funny thing from last night: I was working my way around a small jetty. On the one side, I caught nothing but male gills. The other side yielded nothing but females. I thought that was kinda strange!

I think I’m gonna throw my creel in next trip and keep a few of those big males. Never kept a gill, but a fish fry sounds kinda good!

Hey Betty,
When ya going out after 'gills again? It should be at least once a week, if you aren’t chasing salmonids.


You didn’t keep that little guy did you?:wink: