Here are 2 items that you might want at your fly tying area

My wife came through the house with an item from Avon and I just had to have one. It is the item hanging on the wall to the left in the picture. I was always looking for a certain color chenille and sometimes not finding it, but, now they are all displayed where I can see what I have. There are 40 pockets on each side. In the picture you are looking at just one of the sides. The other item to the right in the picture holds 72 of the round plastic cups with lids. I keep my dubbing and hooks in it with labels I made up so I will know exactly what kind and brand of dubbing and what size and brand of hook. It turns on a lazy susan. The picture shows it as one unit, but, it is really 2 units with one stacked on top of the other one. Both of these items have been a real time saver for me and I just wanted to share them. Avon sells the item on the left in the picture and the revolving shuttle station is sold by New Phase which seems to no longer have a web site. I do have an address: New Phase Inc., 2281 West Heyrend Way, Idaho Falls, Idaho – Phone 800-245-6752 … GP0196.jpg

Great ideas for organizing the bench. I just wish I had that kind of space for my fly tying equiptment. Since I am in college and have a very small apartment i have to double my computer desk as my tying desk.

Just don’t drop hooks in between your keys :shock:

What I like to do is use the rings that are found in large three ring binders to organize my materials. Chinelle for instance, since it comes on the card in a small bag, I just use the hole in the top of the bag, or make one if no hole is present, to add the chinelle to the ring. I can place just about every color on a single ring of normal chinelle, and use another ring for ice chinelle. The result, I just look through the ring to the color I want, remove it, use it, and replace. I use this same technique with most of my materials, and place the rings on hooks on a pegboard. Look up at the pegboard, grab the ring with the marabough/chinelle/hackle/etc…, look through the ring to the color I need, remove the color from the ring, place ring back on board, return it at the end of the tying session. Easy, cheap, and works very well. The rings can be purchased by themselves at office supply stores.


Hey Darren - that’s a GREAT idea!!!

I was just setting up my bench again tonight - I moved it to anoter part of the basement - and as I was putting all the little baggies of CDC and ribbing and dubbing, etc was thinking that I don’t have enough pegs to hold everything and wish there was another way to organize them.

You’ve just shown me a better way!


Like the ideas for the Chenille and yarn cards. Here one I used to use. When I lived in a condo and had limited space I used a 3 ring binder with the baseball card sleeves with in it. I could just open up the three ring binder and open it to the general color I was looking for say olive and there was my dozen or so olive colored yarns and chenniles all layed out for me to chose between.
I got away from the three ring binder idea once I had a whole bedroom to tie flies and lay out my material in but I still keep a binder with the baseball card sleeves within to fill up for trips that I plan to bring my fly tying stuff with me on.

WarrenP, … cPath=5_12 looks to be the New Phase folks. The Turntable is listed under Craft Organizers, the Carousel under both Craft Organizers and Fly Fishing Products. Both setions have some other paraphernalia worth browsing, too !

? smc ?

Just some pictures that were in my photobucket of what Daren is describing… … G_0104.jpg … /Hooks.jpg … n/Yarn.jpg

And here’s another use for the rings… … G_0005.jpg


Thanks for posting the web site for the carrousels. That is where I purchased mine from and they really do have some items that work well for fly tying and rod building supplies storage.

Thank you again for locating the web site. I now have it bookmarked for future use.

Anyone else having issues with the link to tidycraft? I am getting the HTTP 404 - File not found
Internet Explorer error message.

WarrenP- I guess I’m the only one who noticed a really cute kid on the wall!



I do not know why that link is not working. I just tired it and it does not work, but, earlier today when I “clicked” on it, it did work!

I have the web site bookmarked on my home computer and when I get home from work today I will post the link to their web site.


Thanks…That is the oldest of 2 grandchildren. :slight_smile:

When I got home I pulled up my bookmark for and it does not work either. Since I have a brochure from them with a 800 number on it, I called and received no answer, but, I guess they could be closed at this hour, so I sent them an e-mail asking if they have a new web address and what it might be or if they are just having internet problems.

When and if I get an answer, I will post the results here.