Heading to Billings in a bit

So I’ll be up in Billings for a bit in the near future. Any fly shops that I should hit up for supplies? Won’t be doing any fishing on this trip.

Thanks in advance,

I don’t remember much on fly shops, but if you wear a cowboy hat you might want to take a look at Ritch Rands.
They make the hats there. Pretty famous :lol:

Paul -

I haven’t been in it yet to check out their fly fishing department, but there’s a Cabelas store right beside the interstate that opened this past year.

I’d recommend the Rosebud Fly Shop. Of the three shops in town I know of, one of the owners supposedly doesn’t even fly fish, and the other one didn’t seem very interested in my business since I wasn’t interested in purchasing a $600 Sage rod. Rich at the Rosebud though really seemed to appreciate my business, even if I did only spend six bucks there. He’ll talk your ear off, but he’s a good guy who appreciates his customers.


Yeah I’m already planning on a stop at Cabela’s. Have several Gift Cards from family to help me by some of their stuff.

I’ll check out Rosebud as well.

Rainbow Run on Grand Ave. If you make it to Columbus, look up Kory Kober at The Otter’s Den.
If you are driving up through Cody, stop at North Fork Anglers…good guys and the fishing in town on the Shoshone is great.

The only reason I go to Biillings is to get to the Big Horn River tailwater below Yellowtail Dam in Ft. Smith. Only about an 80 minute drive down there. You should at least hit the Big Horn one day. :slight_smile:

All three shops in town are pretty decent, Rainbow Run, East Rosebud Fly and Tackle, and Big Horn Fly and Tackle. Rich at East Rosebud is a pretty good dude and will definelty talk your ear off.