Just got a mag that has an add for the Waynesboro,Va Fly Fishing Festival April 18 & 19. We may be in that area at that time and just wondering if anyone has attended this festival. The add and website looks like it could be a good time.
There was a thread last year where several FAOL members who went to the Waynesboro Festival met and if I remember correctly did some fishing. My search ablities on the board haven’t been sufficiant to locate this thread.
I’m sure you’ll get some response. The Festivals always gotten good reviews and it’s on my list of shows to attend. I’ve been to Waynesboro a couple of time, just never in April. A really beautiful area tucked right into the west side of the Blue Ridge.
Wish I could be there!
we’re planning to go because it seems a shame not to, it being close. haven’t tried it before. will probably go with someone who’s been before. see you there?
I have been for the last 3 or 4 years, Mike (Ohiotuber), WayneB, Jerry (Dotman, sponsor here had a booth there the last couple years) Old #art and myself met up there last year. We had a very good weakend and yes there was one or 2 threads that came out of that and an article for here written up by Mike. we had a very good weekend, we enjoyed the show and some fishing on Mossy Creek. The show gets bigger and bigger every year, I hope to make it again this year. if so I hope to meet all you folks…
For me, it is my favorite trip of the year…a fantastic venue & many great friends. I enjoy spending time with guys like George, Wayne, & the rest. Tim (Grubb) always seems to guide me into some very special fishing, I get to visit with & work with Jerry (Dot Man) & I always manage to tote in a wee bit of my peanut butter fudge, but it doesn’t look like I will make it this year. Youngest daughter Maggie is getting married in July & that seems to be eatin’ up the old man’s cash! Now, if something like hitting the lottery happens & I have time off available, I’ll be there with bells on!
It is a fantastic show in a beautiful part of our Country, well worth making the trip from WHEREVER to attend. Be sure to wear your FAOL hat!
I have attended this show as a vendor for the past 3 year and its a great show. The South River runs right along the show site and your able to try out some of the latest equipment. Lots of vendors from all over. Beau Beasley and his group put on a first class show. If you have the opportunity to attend do it, you wont be disappointed. The other cool thing they have going on there to is the wine booths. Very good show in my book. Bad for me this year I wont be atteneding but will be back next year.
This past year was the first for me attending the show and I really enjoyed it. A lot of things taking place there–fishing the river adjacent to the show area, casting lessons, bunch of speakers on different subjects, a lot of vendors with there “wares”, and last, and most importantly, several people from this board are there.
I couldn’t be there for both days last year since my daughter had a wedding date set a couple of weeks after, but I do plan on being there this year for both days.
I’m looking forward to it.
Thanks all for your replies. It sounds like the place to be. I’m taking Ohiotubers suggestion and I’ve ordered an FAOL cap. Be looking forward to meeting all.