Happy Birthdays

Have a Happy Birthday “ohiofly” and “morneb”. I can’t remember being that young. Hope you can get out and wet a line and your whistle.



Thanks guys, no fishing today, but just had a lazy lunch with fellow employees at work, family time tonight and then fishing for the rest of the weekend:D

Have a great one guys. MorenB, looking forward to more pictures of your lovely waters and fish.

Happy Birthday!


Happy Boithday Wippersnappers:-P

Happy Birthday guys! Hope you get to enjoy some nice weather and some great fishing on your special day.:cool:

Thank you for the well wishes. Its 05:20 here and on the way to the water for some trout fishing:D Had our first rain in months last night, so will hopefully be a great day.

To morneb in the south of Africa and ohiofly from the Island of Ohio, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

To Morneb in the south of Africa and Ohiofly from the Island of Ohio, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!