Got my feathers ruffled!

Why is it I always take offense when I feel someone thinks I am stretching the truth. Is it a Fisherman’s nature? Is it my raising? Maybe I need to see a therapist LOL.

Here was a post froma topic I recently posted about a rod I called the scwhacker and the clinic from one of the mini conclaves in the early 80’s.

Posts: 26
Location: South Louisiana
Posted: Mar 14, 2007 7:29 am Post subject:
Early '80’s SE Conclaves???

As I remember, the South Eastern Council wasn’t formed until about 1990, with the first FFF - SEC Conclave in 1991, in Atlanta. The next SEC Conclaves were in Haynes City, FL- 1992; Ashville, NC - 1993; and New Olreans, LA -1994.

Prior to that time we all headed to Mountain Home, Arkansas for the FFF - Southern Council Conclave. Actually, a bunch of us still head to Mt. Home every October.

Joined: 16 Jan 2007
Posts: 67
Location: Huntsville Alabama
Posted: Mar 14, 2007 3:52 pm Post subject: I beg to differ
I beg to differ!!!
The FFF chapter of The Tennessee Valley Fly Fishers Held a south Eastern Mini Warm Water Conclave at the Joe Wheeler State park from 1984 to 1989. It was shortly after this when the Salt Water/Warm Water conclaves began to appear south of here. Here is a pic of the pins from 1987 and 1989 I lost the 1988 pin on a hat that blew off in the river that had a smallmouth on it. The South Eastern Councils first conclave was in 1991. 1st conclave pin also pictured. DON’T GET ME STARTED. I have probably attended more conclaves than you have then again maybe not! Sorry I can’t stand being accused of Lying.

1987 & 1989 Mini Conclave Pins

1991 SE Conclave Pin 1st year.
Pins pictured on the original thread.


I still think Joe Paterno is a better coach than Bear Bryant ever was.

And just so you don’t think I’m picking sides in YOUR fights, it’s Haines City, FL not Haynes City. :smiley:


I’m sorry to disagree with you John, but Tom Landry was the best coach and finest gentleman and it’s not spelled Dallas, it’s spelled San Francisco.

How many of you would want your kids to play for Bobby Knight :?:

Gotta give it to ya. When some one calls my honesty to question I get “Fluffed up” too. :evil:
Being a person typically given to understatemen just to avoid nay-sayers. Its a difficult pill to swallow non the less.
Just do what I have found works for me, ignore fools and hang out with a better class of people . 8)

:roll: I just like pulling peoples chains to see how the react, I never lie but I have been know to leave out details.

My personal “hot-button” is also to have my honesty questioned.

Duck…ME! Say what you will, but Bobby Knight developes character in his players, IMO. Too bad he has that temper.

Wader , could the guy that you showed just what a shwackker was, be the same guy that questioned your Honesty and is coming back to haunt you?

Sorry my mind just thinks that way. :oops: :lol:


I went back and read the post, and in all honesty didn’t see where you were called a liar. I saw a difference of opinion posted and did not see it degrading in any way. I think you ought to let this blow over.

Thanks for the input and WAR EAGLE!
Yes after I private messaged the guy I felt bad about it and wished I hadn’t but I did apologize and say I was simply trying to show that there was a conclave in the 80’s.

Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to open thy mouth and remove all doubt! somewhat quoted from Mark Twain

duckster, RW here

Bobby Knight can’t be all bad, he’s a die-hard fly fisher. He throws a mean folding chair too. I’ve heard he’s attained speeds of 98 mph with the chair, although he’s a little wild and sometimes has trouble getting it over the plate…er foul line.

Later, RW

Who’d be da winner in e fight tween Bobby Knight, Joe Paterno, Bear Bryant, Tom Landry, The Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders and Mike Didka?

Da… Bears!!!

The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders! :smiley:
Don’t ask why! … :roll:

        Is anyone fishing??????

WHY did you put Joe and Tom in that fight??
Everybody knows women are more dangerous than men!
Doug :smiley: