goose biots

Expanding my tying, has anyone else tied with these? Any hints on how would be appreciated. Seem pretty short to me. Thanks


I tie with them quite often, using them for bodies on dries and nymphs, as well as legs and thorax. Best tip I can give you is this: peel the biots off stem, place in a wet dishrag and fold, and let them sit for about 6-7 minutes before using them. The water moistens the biots, which kind of softens it, making them easier to manipulate, especially when tying them off. I have a large selection of goose biots which means the langer biots will easily work on a #14 fly. If I need something larger, I use turkey biots.

I know what you are saying. My problem was I was using turkey which is much longer but also allot thinner. Strictly Quacker biot now.
Rene Harrop use to tell me to buy the full feather as it had longer biot, but as I said I hard time finding wider.
gqualls has some of the best biot I have ever seen.

Here are some Images of flies that are tied with them.

Prince Nymph variations:

Stonefly variations:


But they make OUTSTANDING Bodies

Try this:


Or this:

more reading

Thank you family. Plenty of good reading and the light came on. Thanks again to all. Clyde

Here’s an example from me.
Not the best I’ve ever tyed, but it gives an good idea.

Thanks for this great demo. I recently discovered biot bodies on this board and couldn’t figure out how the ruffed edges were formed. Now I know how to look for them on biot strips.

Doesn’t it also make a difference which side you use. One side will be smooth
the other, ruffled edges. Curved side or concave.