Fritz Fratz's Popper 101 Series (5 Part Series)

I have been meaning to tackle converting the “Panfish” archives into PDF for a long time, but something else always came up, and my plans got pushed off to the side, and finally forgotten!

With the posting in the Fly Tying Section “Who’s Making Poppers” I went and found a lost gem, a 5 part series, title "Poppers 101 by Randy Fratzke “Fritz Fratz”! Randy has alway been a good friend of mine on FAOL, and we first met face to face at the 1999 FAOL Fish In in South Dakota. It was at that Fish In, that Randy told me that he was going blind. Years later he was completely blind, and took up schooling at the Iowa State School for the Blind (learning to be a cabinet maker, learning how to use powered tools). It has been many years since Randy wrote for FAOL, but there is a excellent series on Poppers, written by my friend!

Read the articles, and if you find them helpfully, and want to have a copy of of the 5 Part Series of your own, just email me at

I will return your email with the 5 parts series attached. ~Parnelli

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Thanks so much for that Steven. I just scanned over it and see some valuable info on those links.