for the salmon fly tyer

a vise just for you

My goodness, that’s quite a piece of engineering; very handsome. About as far removed from Lee Wulff tying flies streamside, holding the hook in his hand as you can get. Thanks for the link.


I was looking at this vise. I have a feeling it would take my retirement to pay for it. Do you know the price Normand?

Seems like one of those “If you have to ask…probably can’t afford it” deals.

i have no idea on the price. i just provided the link. but if you would like to know, the site did say…

“For any additional information and for ordering you can contact me at my email address.

I am wondering what the point is in having the 2 heads to hold the hook? Really nice piece of gear tho’ !

heres what the site said

“Here it comes the heads: despite the name, T-Rex, the jaws of this vice are made to work with great delicacy to fix the hook in two points without requiring too much pressure. Therefore you can finally use every kind of salmon fly hooks with no chance of damaging them. Antique hooks, new hooks made by the best makers, home made or reshaped hooks, no matter if japanned of painted, they will be safe and protected by the double touch of this vice.
Combined with a thin piece of paper or plastic, for the usual additional protection, the two points pressure give optimal fixing strength with a light touch.

When used with normal fishing flies, for bass, pike, saltwater and salmon, we can tighten the jaws even stronger giving a bomb proof fixing to the hooks.”

I suspect he uses two ‘heads’ because he is tying presentation grade Atlantic Salmon flies and with the two heads he most likely will not scratch nor mar the surface of the hook in any way. Those flies will sell for up to and even more than $350, depending upon what feathers and materials were used and how well known the tyer is. If you pay that much for a single fly that will be mounted for display, you don’t want any scratches on the hook.

Larry —sagefisher—

Can NOT let VEE see this thread. Beautiful bit of kit though.


REE, as a moderator, you DO have the ability to ‘sanitize’ the thread as you see fit. :wink: Just sayin’

Norm, That is deed a sweet looking vise.


Easy fix, just change the title of the thread from: for the salmon fly tyer to something like: VEE, DON’T LOOK AT THIS THREAD!!!, that should take care of it!!!LOL! Yuckity Yuck!

Normand - That is one heck of a tying machine. The fly looked small for a 9/0 tho? Of course I’m blind in one ear and can’t hear out of the other eye! Thanks, will pass this on. Some of my tying friends will freak out when they see it!

Best regards, Dave S.