English March Brown Male

Hi every one:

I just finshed up a batch of English March Brown Males wet flies for my fly box. Pardon the head on the fly pictured, prior to taking the picture I applied the first coat of head cement. Anyway it’s a wonderful fly that has taken numerous Trout for me on the Willowemoc.

English March Brown Male

Hook: Mustad 3906 size 8
Tail: Gray/Brown Segmnets from a Patridge Tail Feather
Tag: Gold Mylar Tinsel size 16/18
Body: Lite Ausie Dubbing
Ribbing: Small Gold Oval Tinsel
Wing: Paired Speckled Peacock Quills
Full Collar Hackle: A Collins Soft Hackle Cape that I just purchased from this past fly fishing show

The pattern calls for paired Pheasent Hen Quills and I substitutued Peacock instead. I really like the look of the Peacock (Tyers Preferance). The pattern also calls for Gold Tinsel, on dubbed bodies I like oval tinsel a whole lot more. Lastly the full collar hackle calls for Dark Partridge. I really felt the collins wet fly cape is a lot nicer looking and gave it a classier appearance over all.

Andy Brasko

Nice tie Andy. Better send me a dozen of those for testing…


I like your fly very much, what is the original source of your pattern?
I have assumed that you used “Trout” by Bergman as this seems to be
the source book for many American wet fly patterns.
Just a couple of queries, what is the colour of the body dubbing,
and what is the colour of the collar hackle?


Very nice. I kinda like that substitute peacock wing! I had a march brown pattern (wet) that I used the hen pheasant for the wing, but I would break up the feather fibers so they tied in like woodduck fibers. Did very well in ponds, for trout with it.

Best regards, Dave S.


Very nice dressing. There’s something wrong with the head on that fly? Looks better than my best. On my monitor the wing looked like Guinea Hen slips (a real PITA), the pheasant hen looks really good.


That’s exactly what I was thinking about that head!
If I was ever able to tie something that pretty, I think I would have to display it rather than fish it!! VERY nice!

Beautiful tie there! That’ll for sure catch some fish.

where did you find the peacock? i cannot find the speckled anywhere, i really like the looks of that pattern

I like it, I like it, very nice tie.

Very nice Andy. As always your ties have very clean lines and great balance.

  • Jeff

Yup! Good job Andy. Nice fly

Hi Donald:

 Actually this fly was a combination of Ken Sawada and Ray Bergman's English March Brown Male found in Trout. The color of the collar hackle is dark grouse to wood coq, I bought this wet fly cape at a show. It was in a bin along with a bunch of other wet fly capes. Soon as I seen it, it hollared Andy March Brown, March Brown. Now the Dubbing is called lite Aussie that is actually just a shade darker than The March Brown from Hare Line Rabbit dubbing.

Very nice fly Andy!!!
Your work is always top shelf.


That fly is a beauty Andy. I love the substitute peacock wing. Just lovely… :slight_smile: