A few recent threads have made me recall that I am in debt to a member or two here. I know I owe Jim Hatch some olive buggers for those two pigs he sent me many years ago. I have a nagging feeling I owe RW a couple, too, but I cannot recall why.
The again, Foo still owes me a dozen hoppers, but since he discovered gurls and went off to school, I haven’t worried too much about it. And I am pretty sure Les owes me a bottle, which I am thinking he should bring to the Idaho fish-in. That gives me time to figure out what should be in the bottle…
And Gnu Bee owes me for some heckling, and Z a turkey-related practical joke or two.
So if I owe you anything, let me know. And if I really do, keep nagging me, because some day I will tie a fly or two again.
I don’t recall DG owing me any olive buggers, but if he is being nagged by the feeling that he does and wants to get that monkey off his back, all gifts will be cheerfully accepted.
I do believe I owed Jim Hatch either 2 flies or 4 flies at the end of last season’s NASCAR bets. I was pretty busy with my move from Maine to upstate New York, and am well settled in, so I will be tying a lot more now. I’ll get some off in the mail to you shortly JH. I think that’s all I’ve got going at the moment.
I know I’ve won enough of your Jelly Beans to last me for a long time (at least 4-dozen) and there is some darn fine bluegill fishing where I live now.
I owe Jonezee some of Cleveland’s finest smoked Slovenian sausages from the Ohio State debacle. I tried to make good on the bet (had them packed and ready for shipment, but he would not release his address), but he asked me to defer it until we meet at the Michigan Fish-In. I WILL make good on that bet in July. BTW, I unpacked and ate the sausages with mucho gusto. You’re in for a real treat, Jonezee, as long as you get there before Ohiotuber and his voracious appetite. :lol: :lol:
I also owe a debt of gratitude to everyone on FAOL who have made me feel at home here from the very first day. I hope I have helped a few others as much as I have been helped.
Hey Joe, I can’t WAIT to tie into some o’ those Slovak weenies!
If I had the time to relegate myself to the kitchen for a couple days, I owe MANY here a batch of my peanut butter fudge for their advice & friendship. Soon as JC & LF are feelin’ ok, they’re next! I should probably send a batch a month to Dotman, Dleo6446 & WarrenP for all their kindnesses, and Betty & Cary just for BEIN’ Betty & Cary…they don’t get any better folks. Also, too many others to mention.
Mostly, I will forever owe FAOL for making me a better fly fisher & person. God bless you all!
Do I detect you farming out your old tying debts to guys that don’t even know what kind of flies they are. For shame!! Hope you have good eyes Leonard. I like my buggers small, Like size 10 or 12.