I may have found the ultimate artery clogging, stroke causing, blood pressure raising recipe of all time. It’s called the “Bacon Explosion” and I plan on cooking it early this Spring.
I am sure it will take atleast one 12pack of beer to prep, cook, and consume this masterpiece of culinary homicide!
I dont know who you are that put this sinister recipe together, but I salute you!
Thats amazing. The bacon mug, and the bacon explosion at the same meal? You will never have to worry about world events, barbed vs barbless, Social Security, or retirement. You will most likely die before getting up from the table!
Hey!! I’ve had that!!! But we put ours in a smoker with apple wood… then finished it on the grill, for a little char.
Served it with fried eggs and biscuits!..:shock:
Well? Did you feel your arterys start to harden?
If you are talking about Bacon Explosion, I am going to smoke it with Peach wood. I am going to smoke a couple split chicken halves at the same time. You know, just in case the neighbors come over and they aren’t wanting such a hearty main course.
I ain’t no stick in the mud , to wit, I eat and enjoy SPAM, but on this, I would take a pass. SERIOUS valve clogger. No doubt , if even by a week, would shorten ones life by SOME time.
Saved that recipe to try out on next campout! Looks great! Bacon grease smells better than hamburger grease! Beside when bacon is cooked throughly it has less fat then an cheeseburger. Onion Rings and Yuengling beer should ge well.