Daughter's first trout

I took my 9 year old daughter out to a local spot that has decent shorline fishing(no wading, she’s too short) to kill a little time. I thought there might be some smallies around if we’re lucky but I figured all of the stocked trout would be long gone by now. I was wrong.

I helped her cast(she can form the loops but doesn’t understand how to let out line yet) and would hand the rod to her and say “strip, strip, strip” and after a few casts, the line came tight. She kinda freaked and got excited and I thought she was going to rip the fishes mouth off the way she was pulling it in! After a VERY brief fight she had a 12" brown flopping around on the bank. She wanted to keep it so a knife to the gills and up on the bank it went. She’s got dinner for tomorrow night(I ain’t cooking at quarter to 10)!

We wound up catching a small smallie and another brown which were both released and we came home. All three fish on a #10 black and peacock bugger. Brown on a fly with bamboo and she isn’t even 10 yet! I think I have a new fishing partner. I’ll just have to work on her casting a little more.

Nice story…in one day she got to experience catching dinner…and releasing for the future.:lol:

Thanks for sharing both of your day:cool:

These are the memories that last forever.

I love to read of kids fishing success. She did very well Dad, as did you!

Extremely cool!!
My youngest daughter was about the same age when she started fishing with me.

Very cool! Be careful starting her out with bamboo. Birthday’s could get pretty pricey! lol.

John, you made it over! Welcome!

That’s SUPER!! I, also, love the kid’s fishing stories and the success, (or even failures), they have along the way to learning this obsession!
At only 6, (Gads, ANOTHER birthday for her, already?), my granddaughter’s been fishing with me for a year and a half now and every trip we make it out, is always better than the one before it.
I started her out with a; “going fishing, not, going catching” attitude and she has fun on every outing, I feel, because of that early on, learned attitude.
You should have nothing but great times ahead!! Have fun and share the stories!

Also, TRY and take a NET and a CAMERA… unlike SOME “GRAMPAWS WE KNOW, FROM OHIO” that don’t always record, OR, manage to land their little one’s fish, because of grievous errors!?!

Congratulations to daughter and dad!

Thanks Phil
I have to say I really like this site!