Dark Blue Dun...

Looking for some dark blue dun hackle in size 14_16 posted here to see whats out there…:slight_smile:


Get hold of Denny or Liz at Conrach and tell them what you’re looking for, every time I’ve done this they send me photo’s of what they have based on my description. It’s always worked for me.


Hey Fatman thank you, I did however give that a go and they did not have what I was looking for at this time. So I thought I would post it here to see if some one else had something laying around they don’t need or use.:)I should add that it is dry fly hackle I’m looking for.

Hi Grubb,

If your looking for an entire cape or saddle, try Darbee Blue Duns at The Feather Emporium. He has both dyed and natural. The link is

They’re very good for the price.



Thanks for the link. They got some nice looking feathers.


Hey thanks for the link Mark its kinda funny but I have one of there saddles and have used up the sizes I use. I just forgot where the saddle came from. lol Thanks again… thats cool