Do you epoxy the whole blank, or just the wraps? The reason I ask is because a man today argued with me a tad about this. An older man. He was asking me “Why do you fish with a childs fly rod”. I replied with “It’s not a childs fly rod, it’s a 2wt”. So the man said “Ok, it’s not a childs, it’s a beginners fly rod”. So he was rubbing me the wrong way from the get go.
So then he asked why it was so ugly. I then told him “It’s ugly because I built it”. So he said "That explains why there’s no shine to the rod.
So save the rest of the argument:) And get to the question. Was I supposed to epoxy the whole thing? I thought I did it right…Hell, it catches fish, and handles good sized fish.
So, was I wrong, or was this guy losing his mind?
P.S. He wasn’t wrong about one thing, the rod is ugly:) That’s why I’ve never posted photos hahaha.
Often, people who THINK they know what they are talking about will open their mouth and remove any doubt you had about their knowledge. Heck, I’ve even done that a time or two myself, then spend the next half hour removing my foot from my mouth. He probably had not been exposed to fly rods so he was working from the frame of reference of spinning and casting rods. Even then, his expose to ultralight spinning rods is minimal if at all. My favorite UL spinning rod is a Diawa 5’-0" graphite with a Shimano Mark ULS reel. I use it for bluegills and rock bass in the river, and perh fishing in Lake Erie. Extremely sensitive, and I swear I can feel when a fish swims too close to the bait. Ha, ha, ha, ha…
Regarding the wrap finish, I have never coated an entire rod, regardless if it’s a matte or gloss finish on the blank. I happen to like the contrast of the glossy thread wraps against the flat finish of the matte blank, and there’s no need to coat the rest of the blank.
I wouldn’t let the old timer’s comments concern you. He was just trying to be cute, but it wasn’t working.
It amazes me how others go out of there way to be ignorant. It is your rod and you can do what you like! It is neither right or wrong but IMO traditionally I do not completely finish any rods except bamboo. That is only to keep the moisture level stable in them and you can always use satin, semi, or high gloss whichever you prefer.
obviously from his comment about childs rod, he was talking out his rear. you should have handed it to him and told him to cast it. probably would either have refused and walked away or put all the line 10 feet out in a pile.
As far as ugly goes, first one isn’t supposed to be purty just fishable.
Shane, me boy, I’m afraid MY OWN reply to this question, had it been asked of ME, would have been… “Oh, I don’t know, why are YOU, were you in a bad accident at one time?” and then merely walked away.
Hi Shane ! So…you met a knothead, didja? …Bummer. Musta been your turn…:roll:
I have done it both ways, finished the whole rod, and just the wraps. It depends on what you want in the finished look. I also have rods I purchased that are finished both ways. Far as I can see the extra weight is negligable, and the action isn’t affected enough to tell by me. I usually have a time getting the finish to be real smooth though, when I’ve finished the whole rod. For sure no way without having a turner. The old cud you ran into was right about one thing, though… A 2wt is a beginners rod, a child’s rod as well… so are 3wt, 4wt, 5wt, 6, 7, 8, 9, 5/6, on and on… Ya learn on what ya got, and ya use whatever ya want. …some guys, (like me) learned to fish with a spinnin’ rod. :shock: In fact, I even still use one from time to time :shock::shock: I learned fly casting on a bamboo rod, so that was a beginner’s rod too. The old guy’s just a wank…forget all about him…Besides, a 2 is a blast most of the time.
And…If you have guides on it, and a grip and reel seat on it, and your putting the finish on it, it ain’t a blank no more…it’s a rod…Happy Fishin’
Haha Paul. I like that. Well, we had words, I had mine. But I still left feeling like I had done something wrong when building my rod. So I figured I’d ask you guys.
Thanks for the all the info. Yes, I meant rod finish:)
I only coated the wraps, of course. However, I wasn’t aware that one could coat the whole blank. Good thing I don’t want to:)
You built it right. I’ve never built a rod that had more than the thread and inscription covered with finish.
Those jerks who think they know it all seem to show up everywhere. This one always comes to mind when I run into them: “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” -Abe Lincoln
I probably wouldn’t have been that polite though.
I have never coated any of my rods totally, only the wraps. The guy obviously knows nothing about rods or rod building. Enjoy your rod and don’t worry about anyone else’s opinion. You built your rod correctly.
Epoxing an entire blank would be a big mistake, huge amount of weight added and especially on a 2 weight it would turn into a slug. One thing about your “ugly” rod, it’s fixable at anytime, unlike the gentleman’s opinions.