Combination Furled Leaders ????

Anyone know how and care to share how to makw a furled leader using BOTH mono and uni-thread???

Used to buy them from Streamside.


I am not sure what you are asking for but I have made up some thread furled leaders that also had mono incorporated in them. All I did was make a loop in the end of the mono and slip it over the #1 peg, run the mono down one side to the end peg, go around it and back to the last or #5 peg and make a loop in that end and slip it over the #5 peg. I then took the 6/0 tying thread and wrapped it up on my furling board just like the mono was not there. When you twist each leg, you will be twisting the mono with the thread and the two legs would then furl together and the mono would be in the thread leader.

This is not what you are probably looking for, but, I thought I would throw it out there for you to consider.

That’s how I make them, too. Pretty slick!!

This certainly sounds like what I am looking for!



That’s how I do it also.

Think about this…
You can do it with gel spun line…thereby getting a leader with practically no stretch.

You can do it with different color thread…thereby getting a camo effect.

How does adding the mono to the leader affect the performance? What are you trying to achieve? Just wondering.


It adds a little “body” or stiffness to the leader. Some people feel that the thread is too limp on it’s own. The mono will take care of that.


Adding and extra round/wrap between pegs 1 & 2 and 5 & 4 can also add a little more ooomph to the thread leader for larger flys with out making the tippet end to bulky.


That’s interesting. Thanks for the information.


Thanks for the extra round tip also.


Jack Hise, great tip…I am still VERY new to furling, though I have used them for a couple years, I still “have” to follow the recipe…not yet knowing where or when to riff a bit.

I only tie the leaders to use, like fly tying and rod building, it is for function rather than “real” enjoyment so I don’t like to spend a huge amount of time experimenting around and the tips in this thread have definitly give me enough to carry on.

I just started furling after watching Kathy Scott’s demo at the Great Water’s FF Expo in Mpls last weekend and am having a great deal of trouble making the connection loops at either end of the leader. Anyone have simple detailed instructions on how to do this? Pictures would be most helpful!

Thanks in advance!

BH Spey,
Jack Hise did an excellent photo tutorial recently. He covered both the Shorb loop and the tippet rings.


What you are asking about is easiest enough to do by several different approaches, but why would you want to do it? When you mix two different materials with different strengths and yield points you really compromise the overall leader. The material with the least yield (stretch) will end up carrying the majority of the load and it could well break before the other material reaches its maximum load point. Also one of the advantages of an all thread leader is its softness which enables it to minimize micro drag.

If you want to stiffen an all thread leader you could easily put a little varnish on it. That is the way they used to make fly lines.

BH…you might check this out…the best pictures I’ve seen for making a Shorb loop…

Jim, I can’t really say why I want to try this method…sounds dumb but the ones I always bought were a combination of mono and uni-thread…I was trying to recreate the ones I had been buying.

In reality, the pure 2# mono leaders I have made up are working just fine though at first they seemed a bit stiffer.