Chewy nymph

It’s early spring season now, when twinkly-bright, semi-transparent and at least a little hot pink-orange seem to be what’s needed.
This one is a little smaller than it needs to be. I always start small and then work up to bigger.
Wednesday is supposed to be cloudy and 40 degrees. Sounds like a fishing day to me.

This is a small nymph tied on a #20 Dai Riki 135
Florescent orange plastic bead.
Pale dubbing legs.
Crytalflash tails.
Semi-transparent Chewy Skin body, tied on a needle and then transferred to the hook.

Where do you get this Chewy Skin? Is it made by Wapsi like the thin skin?(been too lazy to Google it) There’s a chewy stone I’ve found but I haven’t found the material at any of the local fly shops. That’s an interesting nymph by the way, it could almost double as a small bait fish or yoke fish minnow. And ya that’s pretty small! Looks good :slight_smile:

I got a fist full of samples from by buddy Willy Self. I’ll have to ask him.
They’re selling in the store he works in as “UV Chewee Skin” …or something like that.
Makes a good Crawfish back too.

UV is in right now for materials. I know it has helped me with some productivity on the river. I’ve been exploring new uses for some of the new options. They make a UV Crytalflash that I’ve been goofing around with and would make a good tail for that pattern you tied. There’s also some interesting dubbin that doesn’t look anything like the color it is meant to be but I guess it is. Here’s a neat link to a somewhat similar stone and can be used as a muse for inspiration. Bet it would work.

These guys have lots of good vids loaded up with good instruction.

This is what the material looks like:

Craig Matthew’s has been playing around with this stuff and has developed a Caddis pattern using the Caddis green color.

PT/TB :stuck_out_tongue:

Ya, that’s were I found that link THANKS. That caddis would probably work better on a 2457 with some mono rib to keep that stuff from twisting to the side like it did for him, just a thought though.