Between the increase threat of hurricanes, the increasing threat of insurance companies failing to cover claims or write policies that are affordable, the spiraling cost of insurance, climbing taxes, surging population, and the number of crazy, impaired, unlicensed, uninsured, and otherwise dangerous drivers, we have taken note of the fact that “up, up, up!” seems to be the going direction.
So, Gloria and I are leaving Florida effective 18 Oct to move up in latitude and up in altitude.
We were extremely fortunate to find a great house in N.E. TN. We are buying the house, 4.82 acres of land at the edge of the Cherokee National Forest. The house comes with a private well, an in-ground swimming pool, is within 30 miles of a VA hospital and medical school.
So we will miss our Florida house, friends, and temple. But the time has come for us to move and to do so rapidly lest we wind up once more on the back edge of the curve, instead of at the front. The area has been found and folks from Fl are fleeing to Ga and TN as fast as they can sell their houses, condos, or children.
We become TN residents on 23 Oct.
So farewell, Pirate friends, Cap’ Yid is bound for higher ground 1758 feet above MSL to be more exact.
Oh, yes, there is one more small thing I should mention.
This house comes with ca 375 feet of brook trout creek bisecting the land. At closet approach, a medium distance saltwater cast will reach from the back deck, over the pool, to a nice pool with a big rootwad for cover.
Bye Y’all!