Anybody going to the BUFF show on Saturday?

I am tying flies for the show. Stop by and say hi.



Does that mean that you’ll be tying in the BUFF?

Might , might not. Depends on the weather.


I was going but now your scaring me :shock: I will be there in the am. Hope to see you there.

It will be too cold for that—Id love to see him in the buff on a cold winter day. He has been dunked a few time from a canoe------

And for us the “unwashed” who haven’t a clue as to where/what “BUFF” is???..


I’m planning on going for the day and looking forward to it!


Check this link:


Washing in the Ohio River after the show is optional.


A rather late but no less sincere, Thanks. I just assumed “Buffalo” therefore I asked.


I went with my 11 year old son and we had a blast. Bit more crowded than anticipated, but that’s a good thing I guess.

I do want to say thanks to one of the guys at the fly tying tables. His name is Charlie. My son Daniel and I were walking by and he invited Danny in to tie a fly. It was a basic wolly bugger, but it was the first fly my son has ever tied. It made his day.

So, Charlie, if you’re reading this, you got an 11 year old boy hooked (punn intended) on tying flies and on fly fishing.

WE got our rods reels and line for Christmas this year (St. Croix 5 wgt, Ross Fly Fish reels, and Rio Classic 5 wt fwd line, and some 4X leaders and tippet material). We’re going to take a casting class in April (unless we can get to one earlier) and are ready to head out after some panfish and smallmouth bass this spring.

Ultimately, we want to go after some trout and go out with a guide the next time we go to Yellowstone.

But, I did want to say thanks again to the gentleman who let my boy tie a fly at his table. That was very nice of you.

If some of you guys in BUFF know this fellow, please pass this along to him.


:lol: :lol: :lol:

I tied across from fishbum all day, and it was warm enough in there to tie in the BUFF, but he refrained from starting a riot (thank goodness). :lol: :lol: :lol: Kaboom stopped by to say hi, and it was nice to see him just a short time after the Cleveland show.

Hey, Kaboom, if you’re interested in starting an FFF club, get in touch with me and the Ohio Council of FFF will help you get it going. Same goes for anyone else in Ohio that want to start a club. Ohio now has it’s own FFF Council as of January 1st, and we’re striving to build membership throughout the state. I’m on the Board, and can get you all the information and help that you need.

