Hello Folks! I’ve been gone since August 14th when my computer flashed me the Blue Screen of Death. The Blue Screen is well named. I lost of lot of stuff because I had been very slack about backing up my files. Relatively new computers do crash. Mine went down and stayed down three months after the warranty expired, thank you. Anyway, I’m back with a nice new Dell. I’m looking forward to “talking” with my fly fishing friends again.
Back up your files, friends or you will be :oops: or 8T
Hey eight thumbs, if you are worried about the dreaded crashing you should maybe consider a mac next time, I am on my third, all second hand, and have never had one crash on me. Of course being in the desktop publishing trade I would favour them anyway.
All the best.
Wow! Being without a computer for 3 onths is more than I could bear. When mine died last time I diagnosed it and replaced it within 24 hours and felt that that was a long time to be without. I must be a computer junkie.
You’re right. It was rough being without a computer for that period of time. It was particularly bad in the beginning when I would start toward the computer and remember it was dead. The worst part was realizing that I couldn’t get on FAOL and then thinking “oh well, I’ll play a little Ghost Recon.” Can’t do that either, duh! Eventually you get use to it; my fly production went up considerably but that sure is a hard way to fill your fly box. 8T
that you invest in a really good anti-virus firewall
( Zone Alarm, MacAfee or similar product )
Who has what type of that protective software, and what do you like about it?
I have Zone Alarm by Zone Labs.
I give it 2 thumbs up:
Program Control
Anit-Virus, Anti-Spyware
E-mail protection
Cache cleaner
Identity Protection
IM Security
Parental Control
Alerts & Logs
Automatic updates
( from someone who had his last computer decimated by spyware ).