Big Changes

For economic reasons I have had to close my office. Also the hassels of iinsurance plays in this. My last day of seeing patients was Friday.
I will need to find something else to do to make a living.
I will still send articles in for the warmwater area. I am not sure what my internet connection will be, but I will get articles in.
Quotes will be gone for a while. I have to pack my books and magazines away while we get things reorganized.


Dr. Rick,
It’s most unfortunate you have to take this drastic course of action. I have a childhood friend, an orthopedic surgeon, that had to cut his office hours in half to lower his insurance rate. The only thing that keeps him financially afloat as to the practice, is that his is a surgical partnership and he owns the building for which the partnership pays rent.

Thanks for being faithful with your Quotes!

I’m deeply sorry to read your post. I wish you well in whatever you do. Please don’t become a stranger.



What a shocker. Our thoughts and prayers are with you… We do hope that things work out for you and your family.

Tim and Gracie.

I am so sorry to hear this. It is a very emotionally tough thing to do.


I am so sorry to hear that you were forced to make such a radical decision. Times are certainly getting difficult for everyone. I sincerely hope that you find both a profitable and enjoyable way to make a living. I am very glad to hear that you will be able to say active on FAOL. Your articles and presence here are greatly appreciated. 8T

This really saddens me, I know how I felt when the farm was sold off due to the costs of operation. My friends Dad also was in your profession and closed his office. His father went to work for a “Chain”, after a well deserved vacation. good luck, my thoughts and prayers are with you!

Good afternoon Rick.
Mate, don’t go too far away…ok, and keep me informed as to your where abouts and address.

Or, AND…how about jumping on a plane and come over for a holiday ???

Kindest regards,

In the end, hopefully this will turn out to be a good thing and it gives your more time to fish and enjoy life with friends and family.

Forgive my ignorance, but what was your office?

Change is hard and it’s worse the older we get…I can empathize.
Once you’re settled …hope you’ll bring the quotes back!

Rick, on a completely selfish level, if you can’t stay where you are, I hope you move CLOSER to Ankeny!!
Keep us informed on your whereabouts and goings-on when you finish your “readjustment”.

Rick thanks for helping me when i was new to faol. You are the best good luck with whatever you do .

Rick, I have enjoyed your quotes and read most of them since joining FAOL. If you are not absolutely determined to stay out of the profession, I did see an ad in a Montana magazine last month looking for physicians for a local hospital in SW Montana. Just a thought…


Rick, I enjoy your quotes and read them daily. You may find that you now have more time to fish garden and enjoy life, along with earning a living.

I hope that your life becomes clearer soon.



Sorry to hear about the unfortunate situation.

Your articles were outstanding, and I looked forward to reading them each week, you truly inriched our lives!

I hope things work out for you, and your family.

If you do change places, and need flies or tying materials, just drop me a line!

Take care,

Rick, we are very sorry to hear about your situation. We have been truly blessed here on FAOL by you and we will be praying for you and your wife for wisdom and for your future. Keep us informed as much as your are comfortable with so we can keep our prayers specific to your needs.

On a selfish note, though not to pick fight with FishnDave, we here in Kansas City certainly don’t want Rick to move further away from KC. :wink:

Best of luck, Rick.

Rick, I am so sorry to hear about your situation. I do enjoy reading your quotes and stories, I have also enjoyed swapping flies with you. None of us want you to leave. Please in what ever you do in life. Remember you do have friends here that will help if they can. I will keep you in my prayers. John

We are looking for other work in this area. We like the town and don’t want to leave.
My wife is amazed ( maybe a litle starteld) at the amount of fly tying material and the number of flies that I have tied up.
I could probably fish three years and not use them up.
It will probably be a few weeks before we get things set up so I can tie again.

Thanks for the support and take care.


Rick, if your surplus of flies is a problem, I’d be willing to permanently store them at my place. :stuck_out_tongue: And I’ll go above and beyond in taking good care of them. I’ll even occasionally take them out for walks in the pond!