Any Fly fishing in Virginia?

I will be going to Virginia come Christmas time. I just can’t see being in another state and not trying to get in at least 1 day of Fly fishing. So here it goes. Does anybody now of any good / decent fishing in Virginia / Maryland? I will be in Annandale.

Thanks for any input.


Use the search feature here and search all forums for the word Shenandoah and then scan the posts there. There’s supposed to be really good fishing in the Old Dominion.


Dreaton, Depends on what part of VA you are going to be in. Same goes for MD fishing. Lots of good streams just depends on how far, what type, etc. I never fly fished when I lived in Texas, but have a hard time now fishing any other way. Wish you the best, drop a pm if you so desire. LOTS of nice water out this way!
Mike K.

Here’s a map of streams from our department of game and inland fisheries. I’m pretty sure this is fairly up to date. you can also get the license information from the site

there is alot of good trout fishing in VA

take care

A few years ago we had some fun fishing the smallies on the James right in Richmond. There for a wedding and didn’t have a lot of time so we tackled that interesting span of river and had a blast. My nephew does some trout fishing in VA. I haven’t. JGW

I really can’t add anything to what others have said, but come on down and enjoy. Va. does have some good water’s to fly fish…)

Take a look at:

The fella who runs it lives in the Annandale area and it has info on most of Virginia’s water.

December is getting sort of late for Virginia lfly fishing, but if the weather stays warm, you might do OK.

From Annandale, the Rappahannock River at Falmouth is the closest relatively big and good water for smallmouth. (Falmouth is on the DC side of the Rapp just across from Fredericksburg…about 40 miles for you.)

You might also check with the recreation office at Ft. AP Hill. They may have stocked its lakes by then.

Your probably 2 hours from Mossy Creek, a spring creek that will fish ok that time of year. Mabye an hour and a half from the nearest decent MD waters. Granted, this is entirely dependant on DC traffic.

Mossy Creek is indeed nice. Owned by TU I believe or at least cared for by them. Last I heard, You can’t wade it as it’s not allowed, bankside only. Also I believe it’s strictly fly fishing with a 1 fish only, 20 inch minimum keeper size, but we turn them back anyway right! It’s a shame your not coming further south. In SW Va there’s quite a bit of good fly fishing. A few nice special reg streams. South Fork Holsten River, North Creek, smith river. There is a great book by Harry Slone called “Trout Streams of Virginia” where he reviews the better streams and gives directions and tips on fishing them. He covers about 75 streams.
One of the most beautiful places I’ve been was in Giles county walking the loop trail along Little Stony Creek up to the Cascades, a 60 some foot tall waterfall. As you walk teh trail you can step over to the creek and stand a few feet away from a native brookie with those amazing colors, 6 or 7 inches long, lazily rolling to whatever the “bug of the day” is. Sometimes they are oblivious to your presence, happily snacking on emergers. Geesh, can we go now!!!
Good Luck, hope you catch em all!