ACROSS THE STREET - Ladyfisher - May 09, 2011


About a week before we packed up and headed back to Montana from our winter digs in Tucson Arizona we noticed a Pod had been delivered across the street from us. People showed up who apparently packed and filled the pod with boxes. Lots of boxes.

Many of us, more likely, most of us have too much “Stuff”! I have been working hard on reducing all my fly fishing gear, and fly tying stuff. The more things a person has, the more clutter in their lives, or so it seems.

Some think they are on top of the situation with a “Place for everything, and everything in it’s place.” Life should be that simple and easy. I have fly tying materials stored in various boxes, that are then placed inside other boxes, and those boxes are then placed on a shelf until I need them for my fly tying. The only problem is I never seem to put the stuff back from where I got it. I have to admit I never was great at putting away my toys after playing with them.

Just like just about everyone else, I can talk the talk, but cannot walk the walk. Heck just keeping my computer desktop clear of documents, and other stuff is a pain. I stack stuff in piles on the floor with good intentions of returning everything back to where is suppose to be stored… books, magazines, things that I have started but got side-tracked on some other project.


Lay off on the curve and change-up and stick to heat. High and inside is always good. Learn to cast with your off arm it is very useful beyond saving wear and tear.

I had a recent lesson in hoarding! My father in law passed away, leaving my wife and I as the only living relatives. He had a house he built in 1958 and I do not think he ever threw out “anything that may come in handy sometime” It has taken us close to 3 months of working on it after work and on weekends to get rid of all the stuff. The Salvation Army has had 3 removal trucks full of donated goods from us, we have sold some furniture and I have taken just under 6 tonns of “stuff” to the dump. It ,of course, was even harder for my wife as lots of the stuff bought back memories of her childhood and her lovely parents.
It is finally finished and I can’t tell you how glad I am to have that burden off my back.
So if you are getting on a bit and do not want to leave a nightmare job for your loved ones, get rid of all that stuff that is really just junk now, while you still can!
All the best.

Hi Deanna , I agree with you , I built a 12 x 14ft room in the back of my Garage just to house my deceased Mother in Law’s stuff. Her 9 children cannot decide how to divide it up. Huge fights and divisions in the family have occured over this stuff. Some of it is quite valuable but a lot of it is just junk. Still we cannot get rid of it. She was one of my favorite people and would be devastated if she knew the strife this has caused the family. At a family meeting I agreed to store the stuff and am now stuck with it. That is the point where I started go through my own stuff and to toss out all my extra not needed stuff so this situation wouldn’t happen with my own family. They won’t sell it all and divide the money 9 ways and a solution is no where in sight. Its been over 15 years now with no solution, so folks take a tip from me. Don’t let this happen to you toss that junk out!
