Send Your Recipes!

November 27th, 2006

Change of seasons again. Time for the good old comfort food. Maybe the family soup recipe? Have a favorite fall or winter standby? Share you recipe with us all!

Winter Garden Soup
By gonefishn, Eureka, Mt

Here's one my family enjoys.


    6 cups beef broth/stock 1 1/2-2 lbs Italian sausage sliced into thick wheels and browned {sweet or hot}.

    Garlic to taste I use 2-3TBS of pre-minced.

    2-3 potatoes cubed.

    Italian seasoning to taste I use 2 tsp.

    cook at medium heat until potatoes start to soften, then add the following:

    (You can serve as soon as the pasta reaches the disired texture.)

    1 can small red beans or kidney beans.

    1 small onion quartered.

    1-2 cups shredded cabbage.

    1-2 cans of diced tomatoes. {I prefer the preseasoned Italian style}

    Small egg noodles or pasta of preference.

    2 small zuchinni sliced {I add this last hate overcooked}.

You can add almost anything to this soup you desire. I've added shrimp, chicken, ham, left over burger and breakfast sausage.It goes great with a fresh loaf of heavy bread or bread sticks.

I love this soup on camping trips because I can make a full meal in one pot and can prep most of the ingredients at home. ~ gonfishn

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