Send Your Recipes!

October 23rd, 2006

Change of seasons again. Time for the good old comfort food. Maybe the family soup recipe? Have a favorite fall or winter standby? Share you recipe with us all!

Lemon Potatoes
Sent in by Mike Thomas (Mike) NZ

Hello, here is my recipe for lemon potatoes, (It is really an old Greek recipe) they are fantastic with a nice fish fillet and a green salad and are very simple to make.


    Potatoes, allow about 2 or 3 per person.

    The juice from a couple of lemons.

    Some powder vegetable stock, I use Vegeta.

    Enough hot water to almost submerge the spuds once peeled and chopped.

    A little olive oil.


    Peel spuds and quarter length ways.

    Put spuds in roasting pan.

    mix vegetable stock with hot water and lemon juice.

    pour liquid over spuds and sprinkle with olive oil.

    Roast in a hot oven for 1 to 1.5 hours, turning once.

    They are done when the tops scorch a little and the spuds are tender. Serve with the remaining liquid in the pan poured over as a sauce (it should reduce to a small amount during cooking) if it dries out before the spuds are cooked add some more liquid.

    Add extra lemon wedges on the side if you like.

    If you use Vegeta do not add salt during cooking as it is quite salty, otherwise salt to taste.

Hope you enjoy this, it is so easy to do, and they taste mighty fine. All the best. ~ Mike Thomas

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