Obviously there are folks who are more sensitive and vulnerable to sun rays then others. I'd guess that I fall somewhere in the middle, but as the aging process has taken it's toll, I've had to make some visits to the dermatologist. So I now take precautions that I ignored in my younger years. I do the wide brim hat and sun screen thing. And I agree very much with others about the reflective rays on the water. I've tried a lot of different brands of sunscreen and have found those with zero fragrance added to the contents are easier on the eyes. Also, the natural zinc oxide formulations have been my Doc's recommendation. To help with keeping the stuff out of my eyes, since I'm wearing a wide brim hat, I don't apply to the forehead, because when I do sweat the residue does not run down into my eyes. I apply the stuff to my face below the sunglasses, the nose, ears and neck.

The stuff I use is called "Industrial Strength Sunscreen" and has a SPF30 rating. And here's a link to some of their information ~
