I have spent over 40 years looking at various companies for insurance purposes. I have seen and be relocated by buy outs and have seen companies go out of business. First, there are no guarantees that a company will remain the same and continue to manufacture the same high quality, or low cost products they have historically produced. I think the odds are against it. Technology changes, financial markets, etc., all conspire against remaining the same. You can only hope when ownership changes the products improves or at least does decline. I have seen one company buy another and immediately start making changes. This has never made sense to me, if it was a lousy company, why did they buy it? If it is a good company why make wholesale changes? It will always be better to see one company buy another than to see a company go under or for the next generation of owners come in run the company in the ground and let the product decline in value. I hope Mustad continues to manufacture a great product at a fair price and the workers will be able to retain their jobs and the benefits of those jobs. Time will tell.