Who are we? What exactly is a beginner? "Beginner" in most enterprises can often be a word synominous with "Novice". A novice is a person who has engaged in some skill set, yet lacks the experience to have mastered any aspect of it. If a person is a Non-flyfisher, meaning they have never tryed casting a flyline or have attempted to fish with a fly rod, then they are on the outside looking in. Perhaps "we", those of us who have some experience with the fly rod should be asking those one the outside what they wish to achieve by utilising a fly rod. What is their motivation for attempting to learn this method of fishing? How much instruction do they wish to recieve (some folks prefer to discover as much on their own as possible). Why should "we" dumb down any aspect of our sport, or minimize the emphasis on skill developement? How interesting would our sport be to an outsider if there were no mystery, pomp, art or poetry in its' articulation?

You may be thinking that I am of an elitist mindset for making such statements. Consider that the "we" in this discussion have spent many, many hours, earning our stripes if you will. Most "outsiders" have had some measure of fishing experience, and most have had their measure of success with the methods previously employed. How else would the average, interested, Non-fly fisher manifest their curiousity into the desire to employ the fly rod as means to catch a fish? Most would agree that such a person, at some level, perceives the challenge of learning to cast and fish with flies as an interesting one at least. The key I believe to getting folks to cross that line, is to uphold the mystery long enough to keep them engaged. This "engagement" should lend itself to a sincere desire to learn. As the novice gains certain skills (whatever that person desires as goals), it only makes sense that their interest would continue to be kindled. We can not assume that all outsiders immediately wish to catch a fish with fly gear. Given the right circumstances, this should be relatively easy for most anyone to achieve (see the classic Guided trip scenarios as previously described in this thread). I have met folks who spent months developing a respectable cast before attemting to fish with a fly rod. I have met folks who tye flies but don't fly fish.

My whole point is: not to make any assumptions before adressing an interested individuals' curiousity about fly fishing. Most outsiders that know you are often intrigued by your love of the whole fly fishing experience. They will let you know what it is that they wish to learn initially if you listen to them without preconceived notions. Chances are, they are intrigued with the mystery and the aura that radiates from you as you share your tales of fishing with the fly. Let them dream it, and simply share their dream with them!
