I am 70 years young and have fished for the last 69 years. I live just south of Dallas where it gets hot in the summer and windy and cold in the summer. I have fished in all kinds of weather. I have fished with trot lines, jugs, cane poles, and G. Loomis Bass rods. Right now I am a bass fisherman and have been for serval years. A friend mentioned fly fishing one day last spring and another traded me a bamboo flyrod. i decided I wanted to become a fly fisherman.
My fly fishing friend said I needed to get a book from L.L. Bean, Fly-Fishing Handbook; read it; then try it. I also need to practice tying knotes and take a quiz on knot tying. I have tried fly fishing in some of the ponds around here and caught bass up to 2 pounds.
It is fun . I have a new TFO rod, a new reel, several flys. and 5 books. I have started tying flys and find that to be relaxing.
What makes fly fishing hard for me? Terminology used, the many things I thought was needed, and the things must be a paticular type and brand. Fly fisherman thank themselves the elitist of fisherman, bass fisherman are red necks. It has been hard to become an elitist.

Thanks for giving me a place to comment.
