I have told my Traci, my wife, to slap me if I ever complain about the Wyoming wind. At least it doesn't spin, just some small dust devils once in a while.
One of the local radio stations did a gather of goods for Joplin and that area this weekend, five cargo trailers and trucks full gathered in twelve hrs. My wall tent was donated as I am downsizing the hunting camp. The one dj told me the Duschane(SP) volunteer fire departemnt was thrilled to see it, his words. They plan to use it for a portable kitchen/distribution center. I am thrilled I was able to help out, I didn't think it would be so well received as it is 15 years old, smokey and does have a couple small duct tape repairs. Oh yea, 1 1/2" of moisture this weekend, yesterdays' high being 48. A very wet year so far for this desert country.