Quote Originally Posted by Gemrod View Post
Strange board to put a question on......how about "Fly Anglers Online" board? or Sound Off.....me figures this board is for items people want to purhcase. No biggie....just sorta saying.....seems in wrong place to me. There was a period of 3-4 years where I NEVER looked at the things wanted board. You might get more help posting this elsewhere.

Apologize for sticking my nose in it. I usually get my head handed to me on a silver platter when i do this.......stick my neck out when not necessary....and C H O P C H O P!
Hi Gemrod,

Placing the photo request here is just another example of different cognitive organization and cognitive styles. We all organize stimuli differently according to our past experiences. What makes perfectly good organizational sense to one person may seem complete wrong to another. Don't worry my friend, I don't think there will be any head chopping today. 8T