Quote Originally Posted by pillcaster View Post
The fly shop in edinburg is a source of info, I know Harry would be glad to help. Murrys fly shop, www.murraysflyshop.com. The Shenandoah will have awsome smallmouth action, keep your options open, but weekends can be like fishing on the beltway. The VGIF will start start stocking again in October, I love the Hawksbill in Luray and what they have done to make that a clean, healthy stream again. Last time I went a caught a fingerling rainbow (I have heard some landowners are stocking their private land and they migrate). But if you want to stalk the wild brookies in the park, short rod, any fly, and stealth, and hope for a wet summer - so far NOT.
As an aside, is the Shenandoah back? I thought there was a problem with fishkills and the source couldn't be identified.

When I first started dating my wife, I took her to Harry's smallmouth bass school. G-d what a blast. Must have had a smallie on every five minutes. Fly got so beat up, there was nothing but lead wire and a piece of chenille hanging off and they were still nailing it.

She told me, "Dammit, you never said this was so much fun."