Quote Originally Posted by ohiotuber View Post
As all of my fishing buddies know, my "go to" fly is a yellow woolly worm with grizzly hackle & a red wool yarn tail. I tie mine on a TMC 200R curved nymph hook (mostly size 12) & it is DEADLY for big gills, although it will also catch about anything else. I got brown trout in Virginia's famed Mossy Creek on one. BTW, I also got a gill or 2 in your fine State's Lake Moultrie on one.
When dry, it will float for a second or 2...let it lay & give it a very short strip (if needed) & it'll sink. I fish it letting it dead drop, then a strip, then let it drop & don't be afraid to vary the retrieve....try to keep it s..l..o..w.
I wanted to tie up some yellow woolly worms for the fly box but some guy from Ohio bought the last 80 pounds of chenille allocated to Ohio and PA. He was last seen leaving a Yours Truly with a black hefty bag slung over his shoulder and is currently at large.