Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
Garb 72,
Since I appear to be have been the first to to turn your BEAUTIFUL pic thread astray, I do apologize. AND, please feel free to do the same for my thread/s when I feel the urge to share.
PS: John Scott, It'll take a whole lot less to make me wish I was in Wyoming. As a matter of fact, we'll be flying right over Laramie in a few hours on our way to Carmel CA. AND, on the subject of birthing, unbeknownst to me, I had one of those critters for dinner ( friends home) the other evening. I generally do NOT do veal or have EVER had lamb onaccounta my 4H membership a "few" years ago. They were my pets......................................
Haha its ok, i like cows, i live in the central valley!