Quote Originally Posted by Greybeard View Post

You're not the only person with less than stellar experiences with a Thompson Model A vise. My first real vise was a Thompson Model A that I bought in 1974 and Thompson was apparently having some QA problems at the time. There was a casting flaw in the jaw where a bit of metal was missing. It was right where you'd clamp the hook. As I recall there were not so many vise choices back then and while I should have looked for another Model A I bought that one knowing there was a problem. I'll attribute that stupidity to youthful enthusiasm. A few months of use later, stress caused a piece to break off the other side of the jaws. The vise was sort of usable but it didn't always hold a hook perfectly. I was a money poor grad student living in Pennsylvania at the time and fishing was my passion so I kept using it.

Some years after I became gainfully employed I ordered replacement jaws from Thompson and the new jaws were flawless and shaped a bit differently than my initial pair. Apparently their QA issues were fixed. Everything I bought was from the real Thompson vise company (still have the original red box <g> not that I'm a pack rat or anything). I tied with that as my primary vise until about 18 months ago when I got the uncontrollable urge to get a rotary vise. Like most of my "gotta have this" urges, I really didn't need a new vise, I just wanted to play with a new toy.

I can't say I ever had a problem with the old vise not clamping tightly to the table but at least my initial experiences with the Thompson Model A left a lot to be desired. Over the years I did pick up a second Model A with midge jaws, and I really did tie flies down to #28s - not that I ever succeeded catching a trout with such a small fly.

So, your not the only one with Thompson Model A problems but I'll opine that the design is excellent for what it is and I sure wouldn't challenge anyone who said more flies have been tied on it than all other vises combined.

Both of my Thompsons ( 1 model A and 1 model 360 SLT) have fully machined jaws!