Quote Originally Posted by branhap View Post
Lastly, we found that based on how much cheaper kindle books are, we would see a Return in savings by having the kindle in just under 40 books. Not bad for a couple who probably read about 50 books a year.
I read on average a book per week as well, but I'm a regular patron at my local library. If I find a book I like and want, I'll buy a copy of the book, then I own that book. ebooks are only licensed, you don't own that ebook and you're limited what you can do with it, and the license can be revoked (and teh file deleted) if you violate the license agreement. There have already been lawsuits over this (and Amazon has lost). These readers are still way too young in their infancy for me.

What gets me is that the authors expect the full retail price for their ebook that the hard copy would sell for. Whereas an author typically gets way less than half of a hard copy retail. (a big portion of retail goes toward printing and distribution.)

I'll think about one when there is a standard format that is not locked into only one distributor.