So it's all the unions fault?

What a cop out but it does play well to those who don't really care to think for themselves.
So we managed to get rid of most union workers and the jobs they held and this you feel actually lowered prices to us consumers? It sure the heck lowered quality and the U.S. standard of living but hey, 'you betcha' those short-sighted CEO's are glad to have cheerleaders defending THEIR greed.
So now we have millions of Americans out of jobs and TAKING from the government just to survive instead of feeding into the tax base and this is good somehow?
So now we have Communist Red China owning most of our debt and this too is good?
Will you whine when those who somehow still manage to make a buck are asked to make up for the missing tax revenue because of the millions of American jobs shipped offshore? We do need money to run things don't you know?
Perhaps the ultimate anti-union place is Communist Red China! Quite the role model.
I know they couldn't care less about OUR environment.
It is nothing for them to have kids and prison labor in sweat shops build the junk you buy. Something those evil unions here fixed.
I'm sure their vacation schedule is humane, eh? Gotta love no union.
Human rights and safety standards? Pshaw! How outdated.

Our family has somehow survived by trying to buy American made goods since the term 'fair' trade mysteriously disappeared in the '70's and was swapped with 'free' trade.
I thank God for the country and opportunities the Greatest Generation handed us. Too bad short sightedness and yes, greed, seems to be quickly destroying this great nation. But then, what would one expect when the goal seems to be A New World Order in which OUR standards are to be reduced to match up with third world countries. Hop ya'll are proud!

I'll sleep well knowing I did my best not to enrichen countries who despise us for our freedoms and the riches we're quickly giving away. Meanwhile, keep buying the cheapest garbage some of you can find and know you have added to the huge mess this country is in.

Oh... I haven't been in a union for over 30 years but I do know that they did provide a lot of protections for 'the little people' that otherwise wouldn't exist. They also did a lot to ensure the working life many lived involved far more than just chasing a buck. Enjoy vacations? Thank a union.